Tuesday 16 February 2016

Stracciatella Soup � For When You�re 'Tore Up From the Floor Up'

You hear stracciatella often referred to as, �Italian egg drop soup,� which is fine, but knowing the name actually means little, torn rags, or shreds, works so much better metaphorically. 

When you�ve been run ragged, stracciatella is always there for you. After a long, infuriating day at work, you want something fast, filling, and comforting; ideally made with ingredients you already have on hand. This is all that, and less.

Sure, you could order some unhealthy, and expensive take-out, but that�s just a shame spiral waiting to happen. Better to beat up a few eggs with some cheese, and boil up the last of that homemade chicken stock, you made using this video.

By the way, if you�re a normal person, and don�t have homemade broth in the freezer, this works perfectly well with a high-quality, packaged broth. As you eat this, hopefully with some nice crusty bread, imagine all those little �rags� floating in the bowl are all your torn-up problems, both real and imagined. They were there, and then they were gone. You just won, with soup. I hope you give this stracciatella a try soon. Enjoy!

Makes 2 large or 4 appetizer sized portions:
6 cups nice rich chicken broth, seasoned to taste
3 large eggs
2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
2 tablespoons semolina flour
1/2 ounce Parmigiano Reggiano (about 1/2 cup if grated on a microplane)
1/2 ounce Pecorino Romano cheese (about 1/2 cup if grated on a microplane)
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
pinch cayenne
pinch nutmeg
olive oil and pepper flakes to garnish

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